Announcing The Imminent Launch Of Voting For The 2023 VeChain Foundation Steering Committee Elections

VeChain Official
3 min readFeb 13, 2023


Decentralised decision making is a cornerstone of web3. When we kicked off the 2023 Steering Committee elections, we wanted to ensure all eligible community members and professionals had the ability to freely run for a spot in the new Steering Committee and help us establish a more decentralised governance structure at the heart of the VeChain Foundation. We’re incredibly impressed by the calibre of participants and grateful to everyone who put their name forward.

Through a series of Twitter Spaces, we’ve heard from a variety of candidates who have shared their thoughts about the future of VeChain and the Steering Committee. This event offered a key opportunity to bring in expertise and experience of individuals from across different industries who share a common goal of helping VeChain grow and succeed even further.

These elections also mark a step towards helping us evolve a DAO-like governance structure for the Foundation, with choices and direction ultimately decided by eligible voting stakeholders.

Power to the People

The recent election process has been met with great enthusiasm from the community. In addition to the current Steering Committee members and VeChain employees, there have been 10 external candidates from different industries who have been willing to contribute their time, effort and expertise to our cause. We are sincerely grateful and it is precisely this level of passion and commitment that will lead to the success of VeChain as we scale rapidly in 2023 and beyond.

Based on the operational experience of the current Steering Committee, it has been decided to maintain the size of the 2023–2025 steering committee at five members. Each successfully voted member will be assigned roles based on their specific areas of expertise, drawing on their individual knowledge and experience.

Voting Commences

On February 15th at 12:00AM UTC+0, the first round of all-stakeholder voting will begin, lasting for 7 days and ending on 21st 11:59 PM UTC+0.

Eligible stakeholders per the terms of the governance charter (Economic / Economic X node holders and Authority Masternode holders) will be able to select up to 10 candidates for the pre-selection process, which will narrow down the original candidates list to 10. Voting will take place on the VeVote governance platform and the vote will be announced ahead of launch.

The second and final round of voting will begin on February 23rd at 12:00AM and will last for 7 days, ending on March 1st at 11:59PM. During this round, eligible addresses can select up to 5 candidates who they wish to vote for.

The election results will be released on March 2nd via the official Twitter account and the outcome of voting will determine the new Steering Committee.

This is one of our most important votes to date — we implore eligible voters to take part and make their voices heard — the outcome of the election will have a significant impact on VeChain’s future!

We wish all Steering Committee candidates the best of luck in this exciting new phase of the election process.

About The VeChain Foundation

The VeChain Foundation, headquartered in San Marino, Europe, is the non-profit organisation behind the development of VeChainThor, a world leading smart contract platform spearheading the real world adoption of blockchain technology.

By leveraging the capabilities of ‘trustless’ data (information without intermediaries), smart contracts and IoT technologies, VeChainThor has delivered solutions in a wide array of fields, and now turns its attention to arguably the greatest challenge of all — building technologies and ecosystems to drive true sustainability and digital transformation at global scale.

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VeChain Official

VeChain, based in San Marino, Europe built VeChainThor, a powerful platform driving a blockchain and sustainability revolution